Drinking supplements

Drinking supplements

Regarding supplements' drinking, supplements can be better at eating and drinking together like a food, sometimes you can expect better effects or synergistic effects. However, on the contrary, if supplements are poorly fitted, it may cause damage to the body, so be careful.
I would like to introduce what is said to be effective in the supplementation of drinking supplements, but first of all, collagen, which is said to be good for beauty, is not taken alone with collagen supplements, but with vitamin C and iron It is possible to feel more effective by ingesting it.
And in the case of iron supplements that are said to be effective in prevention of anemia etc., you can expect more synergistic effect when you drink together with vitamin C, manganese, cobalt.
In the case of vitamin A supplements, you can increase the effect by ingesting it with magnesium, calcium, vitamin D. Thus, supplements are more effective by drinking together, so many supplements that can expect synergistic effects are also sold, so those who are thinking of choosing supplements from now on together supplements Whether it is a good idea to choose supplements after checking whether they are also included.
On the contrary, I would like to introduce what I can not say that drinking is not so good. Because there is also a nickname between supplements, those who take several supplements need to understand properly about the supplementation of supplements. If supplements are badly combined, supplement nutrition may not be absorbed by the body, symptoms such as bad physical condition may occur, so let 's pay attention to taking supplements.
For example, do not take calcium supplement and vitamin D or iron together, and it is said that it is better for people who are taking medication for heart failure to refrain from taking calcium supplements.
And the combination of chitosan and DHA supplement is also considered as dangerous, and combination of coenzyme supplement that is effective for coenzyme Q10 and diet effective for beautiful skin has also become a combination with poor engagement. People who take zinc supplements have difficulties with calcium and dietary fiber supplements, and soy isoflavone, which is said to be a woman, is not a very good combination for those taking pills.